Remember to look for the MCERTS certificate if you are looking for a new environmental reporting system. The certificate is your guarantee of high quality.

There are many factors to keep in mind when reporting emissions. This applies to both the physical analysers and the environmental reporting system. The meters must be QAL1-certified and maintained and corrected in accordance with EN 14181. The environmental calculations must be made as described in EN 17255, and must be reported as described in the company’s environmental approval. An MCERTS-certified system ensures compliance with all standards. This makes the end result credible.

No chain is stronger than the weakest link
The MCERTS certification of the environmental reporting system is a natural extension of the analysers certification. This brings the quality of the analyser all the way into the reports, which shows the measured results. The certification ensures that the environmental reporting system complies with international and European emission standards. Without certification of the environmental reporting system, the quality of the meter is lost, as there is no guarantee of proper data processing!

The content of MCERTS
ReportLoq’s MCERTS certification ensures correct implementation of EN 14181 by integrating QAL2 and QAL3 calculations and checking for calibration interval exceedances. Entered QAL2 values are automatically applied to measured values directly in the system. When entering QAL3 measurements, ReportLoq calculates operation on the meter via the CUSUM standard. Any correction of the meter is automatically applied to measured values directly in the system, and the risk of manual errors is thus greatly reduced. Also correction for oxygen, water, pressure and temperature are automatically calculated in the system. With this, ReportLoq stands for full normalization of the raw measurement for use in environmental reporting.

ReportLoq is built upon international standards such as EN 17255-1. Sira’s MCERTS certification of environmental reporting systems is based on the same European standards.

The regulations for waste incineration plants and large combustion plants take their inspiration from the European WID and LCPD directives. WID and LCPD are both covered by the MCERTS standard.

Less business-like, but at least as important, is that the MCERTS certification requires the certified system to be of good quality. There is a requirement that the life cycle of the software must be documented and systematic. This guarantees that bug can be corrected and that new versions can be made over time. MCERTS also sets requirements for IT security, encryption, audit trails, backup and more. All parts of a system that must ensure high uptime and valid data.

With MCERTS, you get both assurance of compliance with the standards on which your environmental approval is built, good software and high IT security.

But SHOULD you choose a certified system?
Not all countries have requirements for certification of environmental reporting systems. But at Olicem, we have chosen to do the certification anyway. It is our promise to you of high quality!

Not only has the software passed the certification, but has also been the fastest and the most trouble free certification since the MCERTS standard was introduced in 2007

Dr. Martin Lloyd, Farside Technology