Every ReportLoq+ installation consists of three elements
- Environmental calculator – Calculation of average values and a web server with user interfaces
- Data Collector – I/O box for data collection
- Crypto module – Encrypted connection between the equipment delivered to you and Olicem’s data centre
The combination of the three elements are many and depend on your requirements for uptime, IT security, existing infrastructure and access to support.
The complete system is also called a DAHS (Data Acquisition and Handling System).

Environmental calculator
All environmental calculations are performed in a ReportLoq DAHS server. The server can be:
- Located on premise – ReportLoq+
- In Olicem’s data center – ReportLoq+ Pure Cloud
- A combination of both – ReportLoq+ Cloud
The supplied server can be of the following types:
- Rack Server (Default: Dell)
- Virtual server (In existing data center)
- All-in-one module (Beckhoff CX2043)
The ReportLoq server is fully OPC-UA compliant and comes standard with OPC-UA client and server for communication with control systems.
Other forms of communication require a data collector in addition to the ReportLoq DAHS server, which Olicem tailors to the specific need.
Rack server
The supplied rack server comes with redundant disks with a hotspare (RAID 1+1). This means that you have an extra disk which quickly takes over in the event of a fault on one of the primary disks. The server also has redundant power supplies.
Pros : Redundancy on the hardware that most often fails in a server.
Virtual server
When choosing a virtual server, ReportLoq is installed in an existing existing data center.
Advantages : Possibility of using existing data center with patching, backup, failover and monitoring.
All-in-one module – Beckhoff CX2043
The IPC is an Industrial PC provided by Beckhoff, which combines the ReportLoq server with the data collector into one piece of hardware.
Advantages : Lower price due to less hardware. Easy to use on installations without server space, as IPC sits directly in the board with equipment.
Data Collector
The Data Collector can be connected to the CEMS (Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems) and the control system. IT is responsible for the collection of all environmental data. It is recommended to place the Data Collector close to the source of data to minimize the risk of possible data loss due to wirebreak. The Data Collector has data stored for 30 days and has the task of collecting data and acting as a link between CEMS and the control system.
The data collector is a Beckhoff CX5130 and comes pre-installed with ReportLoq software built for data collection and exchange of data with control systems. Supported protocols include Profibus, Profinet, Modbus, Hardwired 4-20, OPC UA, Ethernet TCP.
The highest level of security is achieved with two data collectors. This does not interrupt data collection if one device shuts down.
Crypto module
All cloud-based versions of ReportLoq include a crypto module, which provides a secure connection between the local ReportLoq equipment and Olicem’s data center.
The connection is used to patch and update ReportLoq and at the same time creates a secure tunnel for data transfer.
A Secomea Sitemanager is used for this purpose, which connects to https://gm.olicem.com. Therefore, it is only necessary to make one outbound connection through the firewall on TCP port 443 for the module to work.
The offline versions of ReportLoq can be disconnected from the Internet after commissioning. As ReportLoq+ Cloud and ReportLoq Pure Cloud continuously upload logged data to Olicem’s data center for further processing, the module must always be online.
ReportLoq+ Pure Cloud
This version uses a Secomea Sitemanager Embedded. This means that the hardware module has been replaced with a software version which is installed directly on the data collector. This makes the solution simpler and at the same time means that the price is lower.
It is recommended that ReportLoq provide Internet access to Olicem’s data center. The connection makes it easy to keep ReportLoq up to date and simplifies the process by changing reporting requirements.
In addition to updates, ReportLoq + Cloud and ReportLoq + Pure Cloud both use Olicem’s data center for environmental calculations. Data is uploaded encrypted to the center and accessed via https://www.reportloq.com. The upload is automatic and supports cache-up when disconnecting.
The connection between the local ReportLoq equipment (DAHS) and the data center is via https://gm.olicem.com and is encrypted with unique X509 certificates.
All access to www.reportloq.com is protected by username and password and is under SSL encryption.
In the data center, all data is backed up on an ongoing basis, and all servers are patched on an ongoing basis.